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Nella città di Verona nasce WediVerona un'agenzia che si occupa di Creare il Vostro Sogno!

Con esperienza pluriennale è una soluzione perfetta per ogni coppia, un team di fornitori appassionati di quello che fanno e sopra tutto il Vostro  Wedding Planner dedicato che vi saprà ascoltare e consigliare al meglio in modo di rispettare si i Vostri desideri ma anche trovarvi le soluzioni ottimali rispettando il Vostro budget.

Il giorno del vostro matrimonio è un giorno speciale, nulla viene lasciato al caso e a supporto e presenza del Vostro Wedding Planner durante il percorso della preparazione e anche per tutta la durata della giorno del Vostro Matrimonio vi permetteranno di vivere in maniera serena questi giorni di grande stress, ogni soluzione verrà concordata in base alle scelte della coppia.

Per una cura del cliente minuziosa e per regalarvi quel tocco di eleganza e professionalità che renderanno il vostro matrimionio unico, WedinVerona è la soluzione perfetta per voi!


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Opinioni su WedinVerona

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By Marco
Ho utilizzato questo servizio per il mio matrimonio

Angie and Carla organized this June an absolutely spectacular wedding for us and our international 350 guests! My wife and I never thought of having a wedding planner before until we realized how helpful and relaxing everything became being in the hands of such professionals. Not to mention, and this came as a surprise for us, what a saving of money it ment to have a wedding planner as they are used to negotiate with all providers, advising us on what is really necessary and what isnt.

From the first moment months ago it was a real pleasure to have them by our side because they made really easy what for us would have beed super stressful and this contributed to our peace which is something priceless in such a moment in ones life. Their experience in so many events helped to always make the right decision and they would notice and see what we would have never realized when begin alone. From choosing a catering and deciding a menu, finding light technician and shuttle services, having the best flower contacts and musicians to helping us with the Italian complicated paper work, nothing would be out of their capacity and if we had a strange request they would always come up with a solution. When the wedding day arrived Angie and Carla were there the whole time to assist every guest who needed something and made all of the parts of the big day work together and flow so naturally that it will stay forever in our friends and families memories as a huge success and the best thing is that we didn’t have to worry if something would go wrong. Angie and Carla were one step ahead of everything. We are extremely thankful about all of this, but especially for their enthusiasm that made it clear that they cared as if it was their own wedding day and this is something we will never forget!

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