Septem Visual

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Septem Visual

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  • Foto da 2.000 €

We are Septem. We are wedding videographers. We adore traveling, discovering, and sharing. The soul becomes all the richer with each passing adventure. People call this “having experiences”, but we prefer to think of it as personal growth. Couples who choose us are not simply looking for a basic video or some cool photos; they want the viewer to feel what it was like to be on that trip. There are millions of stories waiting to be told, and our job is to feel them and tell them…

This is why it is important that there is such a great feeling between us! Everything starts from curiosity. Internet has allowed us to reach past unimaginably distant boundaries and to meet people who live overseas. We have met many of our couples through Skype. The first meeting will allow us to understand desires and expectations, as well as to know more about what will happen on their wedding day.

We greatly appreciate couples who are inclined to talk about themselves and their story, who are willing to express their personality freely. We are unconventional, we love outdoor weddings, out in the wild, in an abandoned ruin or in a beautiful villa. We travel all over the world. Distances do not scare us!

Telling a story is not easy.. Talking about emotions can be so private and intense.. But that, is what we aim to do… Trough images and videos, we tell your story by capturing your feelings and respecting your privacy. But always by showing the true ‘you’… on your most important day!

We know you are going along an important journey and we want to make it unforgettable.. not only capturing your wedding day, but also everything that is around it!

We love challenges and every place offers new conditions. It can be an abandoned castle, a beach or in the middle of a forest… What is important for us is to highlight you and your emotions, on a day you will remember for the rest of your life.. We are not scared to travel kilometers to meet your desired.. We are travellers of the world and we’ll accompany you on your way, if you let us to.

Get in touch now to have a preview of the services we offer, tailored on your needs and desires!
Let us bring you our Italian’s style!

FAQ - Domande frequenti

Principali servizi
2.000 €
Che altri servizi vengono offerti?
Che stile fotografico utilizza maggiormente?
Con quanto anticipo è necessario contrattare?
Più di 1 anno
È necessario un appuntamento?
Non è necessario appuntamento
Esiste un costo aggiuntivo per i trasferimenti?
Possibili costi per spostamenti
Quali sono le condizioni di pagamento?
Una volta stipulato il controatto è possibile pagare in 4 acconti suddivisi in questo modo: - 25% alla stipula del contratto - 25% due settimane prima dell'evento - 25% alla ricezione della provinatura - 25% alla ricezione di foto e video in alta risoluzione. Le modalitaà di pagamento possono essere: Bonifico - Assegno - Contanti
In che anno è iniziata l'attività?
Gamma di prezzo del servizio
Prezzo esclusivo

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