Se per il giorno più magico della vostra vita sognate ricordi fotografici dal gusto romantico, naturale e delicato, Linda Nari è la professionista che fa al caso vostro. Talentuosa fotografa con anni di esperienza nel settore alle spalle, Linda raccoglierà per voi attimi dolci e spontanei, immortalando dettagli, emozioni e sensazioni.
Servizi offerti
Linda e Carlo vi accompagneranno con assoluta discrezione per tutta la giornata dell'evento, dai primi preparativi degli sposi fino al concludersi della festa. I due fotografi lavoreranno in armonia e tranquillità, garantendovi impeccabile professionalità in ogni dettaglio.
Il pacchetto base riservato agli sposi comprende la presenza dei due fotografi e la consegna di tutti gli scatti ad alta risoluzione su chiavetta usb, senza alcun watermark e già ottimizzati per la stampa. Un servizio completo e dal gusto raffinato che vi regalerà eterni ricordi del vostro grande amore.
Unfortunately, we had the most horrific, devastating and upsetting experience with Linda Nari Photography. We are still in shock.
We wouldn't usually like to write a bad review, but we want to save any future bride or grooms from going through the nightmare we are currently in. Linda was the photographer on our wedding day. She seemed lovely on the day but unfortunately that is where it ends. Linda lost most of the photos from our wedding day. Photos we will never get back again.We have no photos from the morning, getting ready, our daughters as bridesmaids and maid of honor, my wife and her wedding party getting ready, my mother and mother and law getting ready, the hair and makeup team preparations, my wife walking down the stairs to greet her father (this is so devastating to my wife, as we all know our parents won't be around forever), my wife leaving for the church, arriving at the church, images of us in the church getting married, my wife walking up the aisle with her father, exchanging of rings, first kiss, my first look at my wife, our daughters entering the church, our bridesmaids and groomsmen, our mothers, and the list goes on. I must note Linda offered us a small few sub-standard photo's from her assistant photographer, which was a nice offer, but unfortunately not many at all, and none of the key moments. Linda did come back and offer a refund (which would have been a very fair and consider offer), however when we asked for the refund Linda refused and offered only €500 back, which is not acceptable. Linda has sent no refund back to date. We are beyond devastated. It is a day we will never get back again. It is such a pity we have been left in this awful position and we are so upset. Please proceed with care and caution if considering using her services. Unfortunately, from our experience with Linda Nari Photography we most certainly cannot recomend her services from her. Stay Clear.